Agility Record Book

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Dave's Utilities

Select the version of Agility Record Book to download. Depending on your browser and browser setup you may be asked where to save the file. Take note of this location. If you are not prompted, check your browser configuration. (For instance, in FireFox, select the Tools->Options menu item, then click on 'Main'. There is a section pertaining to downloads - you can find where the browser saved your file there.)

Once you have downloaded the zip file (Windows), you need to unzip the installer within that. (If you're running on Windows, look for "Extract All..." in the context menu.) Once unzipped, you need to run AgilityBook-VersionNumber-platform.msi. The program should install normally.

On a Mac, simply double-click the .dmg file to mount it. Then drag AgilityBook to the desired location.

OSX 10.9 Note: When opening ARB, you may get a message about not being able to run the application because it is from an unknown developer. Open System Preferences, select Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is showing. There should be message asking if you want to allow this application. Say yes. Now, start ARB. You will see
Once you click Open, ARB will run. (Yes, I need to digitally sign ARB.)

Update: On OSX10.12 (Sierra), Ctrl+Click on the application, then select Open. You will then be prompted to allow the application to run. This selection will then be remembered.



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Last modified Tuesday March 19, 2024 15:19:38 PDT